Ricardo Gomez

Collaboration with FotoHistorias




Stories of


This book is inspired in kids' flip books to create a kaleidoscopic view of experiences of migration in the words and images of Latino migrants.

It is based on Fotohistorias, a participatory photography project with migrants, carried out at the University of Washington Information School.

The stories and images in this book come from participants in Fotohistorias's research project, based on interviews and photos taken by migrants in three research sites.

Ricardo Gomez


Angie Tamayo

Stories of Mi-gra-tion

Top: stories about place of origin

Middle: stories about transition

Bottom: stories about place of destination

  1. Nogales, Mexico
    (El Comedor, Kino Border Initiative, US Mexico Border)
  2. Seattle, Washington
    (Casa Latina)
  3. Cali, Colombia
    (Icesi University, with Consejo Comunitario Bahia Málaga), Cabildo Indigena Buenavista, and Fundación Nueva Luz, Siloé
University of Washington Information School

Create your own story out of 19,683 possible combinations!

We present their images and stories in the form of a flip-flap book to underscore the common human elements of the migration experience. We hope to foster better understanding and inclusion of the different contributions of migrants to societies around the world.
